Dr Otis Speight

Dr. Speight is a physician who has dedicated his life to serving people's medical needs. With over thirty years of experience as an emergency doctor, he has acquired extensive education in the form of a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry, a Master's Degree in Experimental Pathology Infectious Pathogenesis, a Doctor of Medicine degree, and a Master's in Business Administration. All of these qualifications have equipped him with the knowledge and skills to excel in his field.


What truly sets Dr. Speight apart is his compassion, empathy, and sense of humor. He believes in the importance of caring for his patients and making a positive impact in their lives. His philosophy, "you must be caring, competent, and compassionate for patients because they don't care how much you know until they know how much you care," is a testament to his dedication to his patients and profession.


Dr. Speight is a shining example of what it means to dedicate your life to the health of others.


Madison LaLonde


Josh Thorp, DC