Take Your Health to the Next Level

"Your Health" is building an exceptional new wellness program at their downtown Columbia medical clinic. The program will eventually become a model for other clinics across the regions it serves. The Columbia, "Your Health Wellness Studio" offers consultations with a health coach, registered dietician, and social worker. It also provides evaluations and treatment by physical and occupational therapists and chiropractor services. Other therapies include massage, IV, and Botox. Fitness for the body and mind incorporates Yoga, mindfulness, meditation, Tai Chi, and strength building.

Carol Caulk, Director of Health & Wellness, stated, "Now more than ever, people realize that they must invest in themselves and their health. It is the most critical investment one can make. We are here to come alongside anyone who wants to take control of their health and live life to the fullest. We aim to help everyone be healthy in mind, body & spirit!

The Wellness Studio is a perfect solution for those wanting to invest in themselves and take their healthcare to a new level. Participants can take advantage of multiple professionals treating wellness's physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. A great way to get started is to meet with their talented healthcare coach, Megan Muller, to discuss healthcare goals. Together, you will determine what is essential for improving your health and find your appropriate path through education and resources.

The wellness studio is available to all "Your Health" patients, including those involved in the Chronic Care Management program. It is also available for employees and has options for those enrolled in the Corporate Benefits health plan and those who are not. The studio aims to collaborate with other healthcare partners to continuously bring new and valuable programming to "Your Health" patients and employees.

"Your Health" is an extensive network of primary care providers, specialists, healthcare coaches, wellness programs, and educational opportunities dedicated to providing patients with the best possible healthcare. "Your Health" practices Value-based care based on measurable positive patient outcomes. There has never been a better time to commit to improving your health. Make the call today and put our skilled and dedicated professionals on your healthcare team to start living your best and healthiest life.


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