Get Started Today on Improving Heart Health 

February is American Heart Month, a time for bringing heightened cardiovascular disease awareness to the public and the medical community. This year's official Wear Red Day is Friday, February 2. The Wear Red event is designed to spotlight heart health and remind us that heart disease is one of Americans' leading causes of death.  

Below are six actions anyone can start doing today that will help improve cardiovascular health. 

  • Hydration: 

Water is the best drink choice for improving overall health. When the body is dehydrated, it does not function as designed. Dehydration can cause additional strain on the heart by having to beat faster to keep blood circulating.  

  • Reduce Stress: 

Use stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or physical exercise to keep your stress level as low as possible.  

  • Limit Alcohol: 

Limit alcohol consumption to the recommended moderate levels of up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men, or better yet, eliminate alcohol. 

  • Rest: 

Sleep is essential to heart health. Deep sleep allows the body to go into lowered blood pressure and heart rate periods. Adequate rest is necessary for the body, and being sleep-deprived can hurt you in many ways, especially for staying heart healthy. 

  • Diet: 

Add fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to your diet. It would help if you also tried to choose foods high in fiber to help manage cholesterol levels. 

  • Exercise: 

    Invest in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. Incorporating both aerobic and strength training into your routine is best practice. 

 "Your Health" is an extensive network of primary care providers, specialists, healthcare coaches, wellness programs, and educational opportunities dedicated to providing patients with the best possible healthcare. "Your Health" practices Value-based care based on measurable positive patient outcomes. There has never been a better time to commit to improving your health. Make the call today, and put our skilled and dedicated professionals on your healthcare team to start living your best and healthiest life. 


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